
Recently, the trend of orthodontic treatment is Aligner orthodontic treatment. I think there are many advantages of Aligner orthodontic treatment, but there are still limitations, and I don’t think the need for multi-bracket orthodontic treatment will disappear. We believe that Aligner orthodontic treatment will be possible only after multi-bracket treatment is available. Both orthodontic treatment methods have advantages and disadvantages, but we believe that it is important to understand each other’s characteristics and provide better treatment for patients We believe that lingual orthodontic treatment with high esthetics is important among multi-bracket treatment methods. Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association (JLOA) have been striving to improve the quality of the results of lingual orthodontic treatment, which was considered difficult. Thanks to the efforts of many doctors, we are now able to obtain treatment results that are comparable to labial orthodontic treatment.
There is a problem that there are few places to learn for teachers who are starting lingual orthodontic treatment and those who aim to further improve their skills. JLOA provides opportunities for information sharing and information exchange through academic conferences and academic journals, as well as learning opportunities such as the basic typodont course. There is also a certified doctor system for further quality improvement. We hope that our member doctors will take on the challenge of becoming certified doctors, and that as many people as possible will become familiar with lingual orthodontic treatment and contribute to the development of lingual orthodontic treatment.
Co-dental cooperation is indispensable in clinical practice. For that reason, we also hold a co-dental course for hygienists, which has been well received. Also, since setup is very important in lingual orthodontic treatment, we are considering holding seminars for technicians in the future.
This year, the 35th academic conference and general meeting will be held in Kyoto, traditional of Japan.
The preparations are being made by the members of the preparatory committee led by Conference President Naoki Furuya and Secretary General Hayato Hayami. This year’s theme is “Improving Diagnosis”. Diagnosis is very important in orthodontic treatment. Especially in lingual orthodontic treatment, a different diagnostic system has been constructed, such as a set-up concept and a new anchorage system. I would like to reconsider the importance of diagnosis. This time, I would like to hold a technician session and deepen my thoughts on setup and other things.